The “Terre Alte Picene” is an affirmed company in the field of eco-sustainable agriculture and agri-food production with low environmental impact.
For over two-decades and with “With feet on the ground”, Terre Alte Picene take on the challenge of responsible agriculture, based on sustainable systems and good management of soil.
The good practice of agriculture, combined with attentive land-use management and adoption of ecological principles, make of Terre Alte Picene a dynamic reality boosting innovation and continuous field trial farming.
The commitment to R&D of Terre Alte Picene brings the company to engaging in national and international projects like the one on eco-symbiotic agricultural optimization with the Centro Colture Sperimentali di Aosta “CCS srl” or on Improved soil management for microbial activity and biodiversity of agricultural soils with the University of Florence. Since 2010 we collaborate with the Department of Environmental Sciences at the Polytechnic University of Marche on the reconstitution of organic matter of agricultural soils and since 2015 on biological pest control of chestnut trees in the “Appennini Mountains”.
Contributing to transformation of resilient mountain communities and biological biodiversity conservation is for Terre Alte Picene a must. We apply multifunctional landscape management where cereals conservation agriculture, beekeeping and honey production, DOC wine- growing sector and black truffle-growing sustainably co-exist.
This choice is rooted in the belief that despite the low productivity and the topo-climatic disadvantages of mountain areas are well compensated by the high biological quality that only the territory of Alto Piceno can guarantee to its products.